Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by average rating Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low View: 12 24 All Ephemera, Postcards & Pictures, Prints, posters & paintings by theme, Ships34 postcards from the shipping line Hamburg Amerika Linie €60,00 34 postcards from the Hamburg America fleet. with there at the ships, Hamburg, Hannover, Odenwald, Ariadne, Göttingen, Flensburg, Leipzig, Dortmund, Leverkusen, Kassel, Köln, Vogtland, Havelland, Saarland, Geestemünde, Ludwigshafen, Rheinland (damage), Kulmerland, Darmstadt, Goslar, Cuxhaven , Erlangen, Tübingen, Hoechts (damage), Weimar, Wiesbaden 2x, Worms, Freiburg, Wien, Remscheid, Blumenthal Spreewald (damage) and the Solingen.Add to cart