- Fables & Children, Lithography, Lithography 19th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
Centsprent, Den ezel van vader Narcisse
- €10,00
- Lithografische prent met een vroeg stripverhaal over vader Narcisse. Vader Narcisse probeert een jager te misleiden door hem per ongeluk zijn oude ezel dood te laten schieten. De jager en de gendarmerie doorzien zijn bedrog en Vader Narcisse blijft met lege handen achter. Uitgegeven ronds 1900 door H.D. Luik-Parijs. Afmetingen 42,5 x 29,5 cm, diverse tape versterkingen op de achterkant,…
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- Lithography, Lithography 19th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme, Professions
Centsprint 2 Prints for the benefit of the general 2, Crafts and Companies
- €50,00
- Centsprint 2 Prints for the benefit of the general 2, Crafts and Companies, published by A.W. Sijthoff in Leiden. Sijthoff started the publication of this series of prints in 1854 and was active as a publisher until around 1891. The series "Prints for the benefit of the general" consisted of twenty prints. This was the third series of prints that…
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- Animals, Lithography, Lithography 19th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
Centsprint, Dog Loyalty from the cradle to the grave
- €50,00
- Cents print with 8 examples of dog loyalty, each time with a verse and an image. . No. 25 from the Meijers prints series, published by De Ruyter & Meijer in 1874. The dimensions are 42 x 35 cm, there are various reinforcements with tape on the back, the edges are worn.
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- Gambling, Lithography, Lithography 19th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
Centsprint, The new entertaining goose game / Le nouveau jeu d’Oie,
- €50,00
- The new entertaining game of goose / Le nouveau jeu d'Oie, Centsprent with a picture of a goose plate in a spiral with 63 squares, ending with a small picture of a table with four gentlemen around it. In the middle in a double-framed rectangle the rules in Dutch and French. In the corners images of flowers (at the top)…
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- Birds, Lithography, Lithography 19th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
chartartes burrovianus
- €350,00
- This attractive and rare print of a vulture by Daniel Giraud Elliot, originates from the sumptuous work 'The new and heretofore unfigured species of the birds of North America', published 1866-1869. Of this work only 200 copies were printed. Lithographic printing by Bowen & Co. of Philadelphia. The image is 43 x 30 cm, the sheet is 60 x 48…
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- Birds, Lithography, Lithography 20th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
Circus Aeruginosus
- €35,00
- Lithograph of a Circus Aeruginosus after a drawing by Wilhelm von Wright, published by A. Börtzells in Stockholm in 1927. The image is 21 x 18 cm in size (excluding text) The leaf is 38 x 29 cm in size. The print is in good condition.
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- Birds, Lithography, Lithography 20th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
Circus cyaneus
- €35,00
- Litho of a circus cyaneus (hen harrier) after a drawing by Wilhelm von Wright, published by A. Börtzells in Stockholm in 1927. The image is 18 x 18 cm in size (excluding text) The sheet is 32 x 27 cm in size. The print is in good condition.
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- Birds, Lithography, Lithography 20th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
circus cyaneus
- €35,00
- Litho of a circus cyaneus (hen harrier) after a drawing by Wilhelm von Wright, published by A. Börtzells in Stockholm in 1927. The image is 18 x 18 cm in size (excluding text) The sheet is 32 x 27 cm in size. The print is in good condition.
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- Birds, Lithography, Lithography 20th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
Circus Macrourus
- €35,00
- Lithograph of a Circus Macrourus after a drawing by Wilhelm von Wright, published by A. Börtzells in Stockholm in 1927. The image is 16 x 18 cm in size (excluding text) The leaf is 38 x 29 cm in size. The print is in good condition.
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- Birds, Lithography, Lithography 20th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
Circus pygargus
- €35,00
- Litho of a circus pygargus (montagu’s harrier) after a drawing by Wilhelm von Wright, published by A. Börtzells in Stockholm in 1927. The image is 25 x 18 cm in size (excluding text) The sheet is 32 x 27 cm in size. The print is in good condition.
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- Lithography, Lithography 20th century, Topografical prints, United Kingdom
Color litho after watercolor by Nicolas Markovitch
- €100,00
- Color lithograph after a watercolor by Nicolas Markovitch of the London Tower Bridge. This lithograph is printed by the renowned Stehli Frères from Zurich. The print is 30.5 x 20.5 cm in size and comes in a large passe partout.
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- Genre scenes, Lithography, Lithography 19th century, Prints, posters & paintings by theme
Color litho, Au feu! after Georges Busson
- €45,00
- Color litho, Au feu! to Georges Busson. This lithograph appeared as an appendix to Le petit journal from April 1896. The image is 37 x 26.5 cm in size and is in a passe partout. There is a pencil note on the print but otherwise it is in remarkably good condition.
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