Credo in unam Sanctum


Essays about Catholicism for non-Catholics by Jac. Van Ginneken S.J. illuminated by Jan Toorop. Dutch, third improved print 1929, W. L. & J. Brusse’s publishing company in Rotterdam. The book contains 430 pages and 25 full-size art images by Jan Toorop. bound in a linen cover, dimensions 32.5 x 26 x5.5 cm. The book is in good condition with the exception of the front cover, there is water damage at the top right and along the bottom.

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Johannes Theodorus (Jan) Toorop, also: Jean Theodor Toorop, (Poerworedjo (Dutch East Indies), 20 December 1858 – The Hague, 3 March 1928) was one of the most important Dutch visual artists from the period 1880-1910. He initially painted in impressionist style, but through pointillism he developed into a symbolist painter. He was also active as a portrait artist and he designed ceramics, advertising posters and book bindings. Dutch art nouveau is often associated with his work. In the last twenty years of his life he was strongly inspired by Roman Catholicism. He was the father of Charley Toorop, grandfather of artist Edgar Fernhout and filmmaker John Fernhout and great-grandfather of Rik Fernhout – four generations of artists.



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