Moy-al oft vermaekelyke beschryvinge op verscheyde ambachten, affairens, ende oeffeningen


Croon, Petrus: Moy-al oft vermaekelyke beschryvinge op verscheyde ambachten, affairens, ende oeffeningen. Bijgeb.: De verstandige camenier uytleggende de graetsels en grafschriften van Moy-al. Antwerp, ( Roveroy),. 1766. 2 volumes in 1 volume. 8o, (XII), 268; (II); (II), 57, (I)p. M. gr. front side. (spotted) and some vignettes. Or. cooling oven. gilded carpet. Waller 435. The second part contains the explanation of the first. All kinds of professions are discussed (interesting reading): the pharmacist, the skin greaser, the sweirtvager, the doctor, the wine seller, etc. etc. Label on the flyleaf: They can be found for sale in Bruges by Cornelis de Moor, book printer in Philipstokstraet. On the front endpaper old provenance information: Desen boeck belongs to aen de suster [of: De Sutter] beggijntien in the large beggynhof to Gend in the house of den h. Judocus 1774″.

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